Il compito degli uomini di cultura è più che mai oggi quello di seminare dei dubbi, non già di raccogliere certezze, Norberto Bobbio

Futurismo: Polyexpressive Symphonies e Centenario


L’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Shanghai celebra il centesimo anniversario della pubblicazione del Manifesto Futurista (1909) (pubblicato a Shanghai nel 1921, con una enorme influenza sugli artisti del periodo), con un evento dedicato agli esperimenti cinematografici e musicali, in collaborazione con il Museo d’Arte Contemporanea (MOCA) di Shanghai e l’Associazione Culturale Performa di Defne Ayas. 

Il Futurismo e’ stata la piu’ grande avanguardia italiana con una vasta influenza in tutto il mondo.
Il Futurismo ha profondamente influenzato l’estetica di Shanghai degli anni ’20 e ’30, raggiungendo la Cina attraverso il Giappone e la Russia. Anche l’influenza in campo cinematografico e’ stata enorme, soprattutto dopo la pubblicazione del Manifesto della cinematografia futurista del 1916:

OCCORRE LIBERARE IL CINEMATOGRAFO COME MEZZO DI ESPRESSIONE per farne lo strumento ideale di UNA NUOVA ARTE immensamente più vasta e più agile di tutte quelle esistenti. Siamo convinti che solo per mezzo di esso si potrà raggiungere quella poliespressività verso la quale tendono tutte le più moderne ricerche artistiche.” 

Gli artisti contemporanei di Shanghai Mai Mai e Jun Yuan con l’ispirazione avuta da tale Manifesto hanno creato una performance musicale che esplora l’inespresso potenziale delle immagini in movimento attraverso suoni minimalisti e e sinfonie “rumorose”, collegandole alla famosa pellicola di Walter Ruttman Berlino. Sinfonia di una Grande Citta’, una sinfonia visiva in cinque movimenti che celebra la Berlino del 1927.

Performance musicale di Asthma Writers Union e Jun Yuan. Colonna sonora di Berlino. Sinfonia di una Grande Citta’ (1927) di Walter Ruttman

Asthma Writers Union e’ un progetto musicale da solista ideato dal chitarrista dei Muscle Snog e dal vocalist Mai Mai, il cui obiettivo e’ sperimentale, uscendo dal tradizionale contesto musicale attraverso la capacita’ di produrre rumori traghettati dal sound della chitarra elettrica.
In questo progetto, Mai Mai e Jun Yuan – musicista e suonatore di sax della band jazz MTDM – interpretano la vivacita’ di un giorno di Berlino suonando dal vivo la colonna sonora minimalista the famoso film di Ruttmann.
Il regista Walter Ruttmann (1887-1941) era un produttore “sperimentale” che si e’ iniziato al cinema con un melting pot di commentari, astrattismo, e forme espressioniste che lo hanno condotto a uno stile non-narrante.
Una melodia di immagini che ci conducono al crepuscolo, osservando come il silenzio della citta’ si risvegli con un andirivieni di attivita’, continuando sinusoidalmente fin quando Berlino non torna a crogiuolarsi nel sonno.
Con ritmo, movimento e atmosfera, Ruttmann ha creato un documentario coinvolgente e bello da vedere.

Polyexpressive Symphonies
Sessione di esperimenti cinematografici e musicali
Sabato 6 giugno 2009
Art Lab at Moca (Museum of Contemporary Art)
Gate 7, People’s Park, 231 Nanjing West RoadShanghai
50 RMB – circa 5 euro

una session su architettura, velocità, movimento ed urgenza

In occasione delle celebrazioni dei 100 anni del movimento d’avanguardia italiano “Futurismo”, il disegnatore del Padiglione olandese dell’ Expo di Shanghai, architetto ed artista John Körmeling assieme all’artista  Alicia Framis, il collettivo di artisti-architetti Speedism e l’architetto Koon Wee discuteranno dello sviluppo di un nuovo concetto di architettura per Shanghai. In particolare, cercheranno risposte alle domande: quali sono i temi che in architettura sono legati ai cambiamenti sociali ed all’attivismo culturale? Come immaginare una città che valorizzi l’architettura visionaria piuttosto che quella di immobili commerciali? Come sviluppare strategie che rompano con la normale pratica architettonica, ovvero, possono achitetti ed artisti collaborare per sollecitare l’interazione con il pubblico? Moderato da Neville Mars della Dynamic City Foundation. Organizzato da Defne Ayas di Performa.
Data: sabato 23 maggio 2009
Orario: 14.00
Luogo: Lounge18, 4F Bund 18, 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, near Nanjing Lu.
地址:中山东一路18号外滩184Lounge 18(今南京东路)
Tickets: Ingresso libero.

"MORE and more Chinese people have come to realize the importance of design as part of a better quality of life.
But it’s difficult for local designers, especially those who are young and independent, to become internationally recognized.
The Hong Kong Design Center (HKDC) is now offering an opportunity.
It recently held a presentation at Shanghai’s Bridge 8 on Fuxing Road, a creative hub in the city center, to promote the Design for Asia (DFA) award, now in its seventh year.
The annual prize discovers and rewards talented designers around Asia. More than 130 Shanghai-based independent designers and design firms attended the presentation.
Organizers hope more Chinese mainland designers will take part.

“About 35 percent of the Asian population lives in China,” says Freeman Lau, vice chairman of the board of directors of HKDC. “With the rapid development of the country, Chinese designers are playing a more and more important role in the world design industry.
“We hope to see more creative works from Chinese mainland designers at DFA this year,” he says.
“It is a very significant event,” says Zhou Yi, founder of Shanghai Compass Design, and one of the judges of last year’s DFA award. “Chinese designers should grab the opportunity to help take the ‘designed-in-China’ concept to the next level.”
Founded in 2003, the DFA award covers 18 individual categories including apparel/accessories design, communication design, product/industrial design and environment design. It is open to any design that has been commercially launched in one or more Asian markets between January 1, 2007, and July 15, 2009.
The awards ceremony will be held in Hong Kong in December. A total of 67 awards will be presented, including 54 DFA gold, silver and bronze awards in all the categories, 10 grand awards, and three special awards in culture, sustainability and technology.
For more information or to submit works, check The deadline is July 15.
The great art movement Futurism was born 100 years ago but is alive and strong today. Shanghai fans can enjoy a rare screening of a classic avant-garde film along with a live performance providing a soundtrack. Zhou Tao looks back at Futurism.
One hundred years ago in Italy, a great art movement, Futurism, was
launched and influenced many of the following generations of artists.
Today, the Italian Culture Institute Shanghai is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the publication of The Futurist Manifesto.
The next event in the celebrations is the fourth session dedicated to this avant-garde movement.
“Polyexpressive Symphonies” will involve the screening of the movie “Berlin, Symphony of a Great City” and a live performance for a soundtrack.
Futurism has had a great influence over a large variety of Nurturing young designers with Design for Asia award domains. The first session of the celebration was held in March, with a forum on graphic design and typography in China.
On April 15, a small experimental concert was staged, and on May 23 a forum on architecture and urban planning was held in Shanghai. In December, the celebrations will continue, involving fashion, theater, opera and dance.
“Futurism is by far and away one of the most important movements in Europe in the 20th century,” says Paolo Sabbatini, director of the Italian Culture Institute Shanghai. “It truly expresses a European soul because it was invented by the great Italian intellectual Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, who published in France the manifesto of Futurism in 1909.
From France the movement quickly spread across Europe and from Europe to the world, eventually reaching China.
“Shanghai can be considered today a Futurist town with its buildings, its highways and its pace, expressing speed and hope in the future, which are the main characteristics of the movement,” says Sabbatini. “I’m particularly pleased to see Shanghai giving Italy the chance to celebrate its genius and its contribution to the world culture by a movement which has become a landmark of world lifestyle."
The movie “Berlin, Symphony of a Great City” was directed by Walter Ruttmann (1887-1941) in 1927. Ruttmann was an experimental film maker who approached cinema by mixing documentary, abstract and expressionist modes for a non-narrative style.
In the movie, a visual melody of pictures takes viewers from dawn to dusk. Viewers observe the silent city as it awakens with a bustle of activity, then the action builds up and finally calms down again when the city settles back into sleep.
Held together by rhythm, movement and theme, this documentary that Ruttmann created presents the concept of modernity by showing repeatedly some key symbols including fast-running trains and flashing neon lights.
Providing the soundtrack to this rare film will be two performers, Mai Mai and Jun Yuan. Mai is a guitarist and vocalist from the band “Muscle Snog” while Jun is a saxophone player from the MTDM Jazz band. They will perform the work in a minimalist style using electric guitars and other instruments capable of enhancing the symphonic effect."

(c) Michelle Zhang, "Shanghai Daily", Shanghai, China, 2009.

3 commenti:

  1. Celebration of the Centenary of the Italian avant-garde movement “Futurism”. A session dedicated to experiments in cinema and music.

    Title: Polyexpressive Symphonies
    a session of experiments in cinema and music
    Date: Saturday, 6 June 2009
    Time: 8.30 pm
    Venue: Art Lab at MoCa (Museum of Contemporary Art)
    Gate 7, People’s Park, 231 Nanjing West Road, Shanghai
    Ticket: 50RMB

    The Italian Culture Institute Shanghai celebrates the 100th Anniversary of the publication of The Futurist Manifesto (published in Shanghai in 1921, and had an enormous influence on the artists of the period.), with an event dedicate to experiments in CINEMA and MUSIC. In collaboration with the MoCa (Museum of Contemporary Art) and Performa’s Defne Ayas.

    Futurism was the greatest Italian avantgarde and had a wide influence all over the world. Futurism deeply influenced Shanghai's '20 and '30 aesthetics as it reached China through Japan and Russia. Futurism also influenced deeply the evolution of cinema through the publication of the The Futurist Cinema Manifesto in 1916: “One must free the cinema as an expressive medium in order to make it the ideal instrument of a new art, immensely vaster and lighter than all the existing arts. We are convinced that only in this way can one reach that polyexpressiveness towards which all the most modern artistic researches are moving. Today the Futurist cinema creates precisely that polyexpressive symphony” [from The Futurist Cinema Manifesto].

    Shanghai contemporary artists Mai Mai and Jun Yuan have drawn inspiration from Futurist Cinema Manifesto to create a live music performance that explores the unexpressed potential of moving image through minimalist sounds and noisy symphonies, and linked it to the famous Walter Ruttmann’s movie “Berlin. Symphony of a Great City”, a visual symphony in five movements celebrating the Berlin of 1927.


    Music performance by Asthma Writers Union and Jun Yuan. Live soundtrack to Berlin, Symphony of a Great City (1927) by Walter Ruttmann

    Asthma Writers Union is a solo side-project from Muscle Snog’s guitarist and principal vocalist Mai Mai whose focus is the experimental, noise-producing capabilities of the electric guitar outside of a traditional band context. In this project, Mai Mai and Jun Yuan – sax player from MTDM jazz band – interpret the liveliness of a Berlin’s day by playing live minimalist soundtrack to the famous Ruttmann’s movie.
    Director Walter Ruttmann (1887-1941) was an experimental filmmaker who approached cinema by mixing documentary, abstract, and expressionist modes for a non-narrative style. A melody of pictures that takes us from dawn to dusk, observing the silent city as it awakens with a bustle of activity, then the action builds and calms until the city settles back into sleep. Held together by rhythm, movement, and theme, Ruttmann created a documentary that is both involving and beautiful to behold.

    a session on architecture, speed, motion, and urgency

    For the celebration of the 100 anniversary of the Italian avant-garde movement “Futurism”, Shanghai Expo Dutch Pavilion designer, architect and artist John Körmeling will join together with visual artist Alicia Framis, artist-architect collective Speedism, and architect Koon Wee to discuss dynamic ideas for a new kind of architecture for the city. Their discussion will both review the conceptual underpinnings that inform their respective practices and tackle such questions as: What issues in architecture today relate to social change and cultural activism? How to imagine a city that values visionary architecture over commercial real estate? How to bring about more playful and provocative strategies that explode our notion of architectural practice and the limits of reality? Can architects work more with contemporary artists to galvanize public interaction? Neville Mars of Dynamic City Foundation will moderate the panel. Organized by Performa's Defne Ayas.

    Date: Sat 23 May
    Time: 2 pm
    Venue: Lounge18, 4F Bund 18, 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, near Nanjing Lu.
    地址:中山东一路18号外滩18号4楼Lounge 18(今南京东路)
    Tickets: Free Admission

  3. 庆祝意大利“未来主义”先锋运动100周年。有关电影及音乐领域实验的会议。

    题目: 多表现主义的交响曲
    日期: 2009年6月6日,周六 20:30
    地点: 上海当代艺术馆
    票价: 50元/人

    意大利驻上海总领事馆文化处为纪念《未来主义宣言》发表一百周年,推出此次系列活动之一,主题为未来主义电影及音乐的实验。未来主义宣言在中国于1921年发表于上海,并对当时的艺术家们造成了巨大而深远的影响。活动合作方为Moca(上海现代艺术馆)和Performa的Defne Ayas。


    上海当代艺术家Mai Mai和骏园从未来主义电影宣言中获得灵感,进行现场音乐表演,通过最低纲领派的声音和喧闹的交响,从中探索动态画面所未表露出的潜能。这场表演中还将首次为上海的参展者们带来为数不多的现存未来主义影片之一,著名导演Walter Ruttmann执导的《柏林,伟大城市的交响曲》。这是一部用五个乐章庆祝1927年柏林的视觉交响。


    晚上9点,Asthma Writers Union和骏园的音乐表演。Walter Ruttmann的《柏林,伟大城市的交响曲》(1927)现场音乐伴奏

    Asthma Writers Union是由Muscle Snog的吉他及主唱Mai Mai设立的一个边缘项目,游离于传统乐队范畴之外,主要在于实验性的电吉他噪音制造。项目成员Mai Mai和萨克斯手骏园通过为著名导演Ruttmann的电影配上现场最低纲领派伴奏,对柏林的一天加以充满现场性的诠释。
    导演Walter Ruttmann (1887-1941) 是一位实验派电影导演,他通过纪录片,抽象手法及表现主义的方式来制作一部非叙述性风格的电影。充满乐感的影像将我们由黎明带入黄昏,看着这个静寂的城市在忙碌的喧嚣中醒来,然后渐渐从忙碌走向安静,最后重新坠入睡眠。Ruttmann把韵律,运动与主题融为一体,创作出一部引人入胜、精美绝伦的纪录影片。


    为纪念意大利“未来主义”先锋运动100周年,上海世博会荷兰馆设计师——建筑师兼艺术家John Körmeling将与视觉艺术家Alicia Framis、速度主义建筑艺术家们以及建筑师Koon Wee一起讨论上海建筑新概念的发展。他们将特别寻找以下问题的答案:建筑的哪些主题与社会变革及文化实践主义相关?如何看待重视梦想建筑多于商业地产的城市?怎样发展有益的战略打破常规的建筑实践和现实的限制,或者说建筑师和艺术家应怎样合作以刺激公众的互动?动力城市基金会的Neville Mars主持会议,Performa的
    Defne Ayas组织活动。

    Date: Sat 23 May
    Time: 2 pm
    Venue: Lounge18, 4F Bund 18, 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, near Nanjing Lu.
    地址:中山东一路18号外滩18号4楼Lounge 18(今南京东路)
    Tickets: Free Admission


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