Il compito degli uomini di cultura è più che mai oggi quello di seminare dei dubbi, non già di raccogliere certezze, Norberto Bobbio

“Sei personaggi in cerca di autore” di Luigi Pirandello.

L’IIC Shanghai e’ lieto di annunciare la rappresentazione teatrale della commedia “Sei personaggi in cerca di autore” di Luigi Pirandello, organizzata dalla Shanghai Theatre Academy e dal Piccolo Teatro di Milano, su un’idea dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Shanghai, con interpreti italiani e cinesi.
Regista: Emiliano Bronzino.
Il dramma del rapporto tra vita e forma e’  riproposto non come dramma di persona, ma di personaggio. Attori e pubblico non distinguono tra finzione e realta’: calato il sipario, ci si accorge che l'autore ha sostituito al dramma la dimostrazione dell'impossibilita’ di rappresentarlo. 

Data e Orario: martedi' 6 aprile 2010, 19.15
Luogo: Duanjun Theatre, Shanghai Theatre Academy, 630, Huashan Road, Shanghai.
Info0086 21 62485600
Ingresso Libero.

2 commenti:

  1. SHANGHAI: Theatrical Performance “Six Characters in Search of an Author ” by Luigi Pirandello.

    The IIC Shanghai is glad to announce the performance “Six Characters in Search of an Author” by Luigi Pirandello, organized by Shanghai Theatre Academy and Piccolo Teatro di Milano, with Italian and Chinese performers, upon an idea of IIC Shanghai.
    Director: Emiliano Bronzino.
    The drama of the relationship between reality and form is not shown as a personal tragedy, but a character’s drama. Actors and public could not discern fiction and reality: once the curtain is drawn, the public will realize that the author has changed the drama with the demonstration of the impossibility to represent it.

    Date and Time:
    Tue., 6th April 2010, 19.15
    Venue: Duanjun Theatre, Shanghai Theatre Academy, 630, Huashan Road, Shanghai.
    时间:2010年4月6日 19:15
    地址:华山路630号,上海戏剧学院 端钧剧场
    Info. / 详情咨询 :
    0086 21 62485600

    Free Admission


    上海:剧场表演—— 路易吉·皮兰德娄代表作品《六个寻找作家的剧中人》

    由意大利驻沪总领事馆文化处策划、意大利Piccolo Teatro di Milano参与组织、Emiliano Bronzino导演指导、中意戏剧演员共同出演的路易吉·皮兰德娄(Luigi Pirandello)代表作品——《六个寻找作家的剧中人》将在组织方——上海戏剧学院的剧场内上演。

    Date and Time:
    Tue., 6th April 2010, 19.15
    Venue: Duanjun Theatre, Shanghai Theatre Academy, 630, Huashan Road, Shanghai.
    时间:2010年4月6日 19:15
    地址:华山路630号,上海戏剧学院 端钧剧场
    Info. / 详情咨询 :
    0086 21 62485600

    Free Admission

  2. SHANGHAI: Theatrical Performance “Six Characters in Search of an Author ” by Luigi Pirandello.

    The IIC Shanghai is glad to announce the performance “Six Characters in Search of an Author” by Luigi Pirandello, organized by Shanghai Theatre Academy and Piccolo Teatro di Milano, with Italian and Chinese performers, upon an idea of IIC Shanghai.
    Director: Emiliano Bronzino.
    The drama of the relationship between reality and form is not shown as a personal tragedy, but a character’s drama. Actors and public could not discern fiction and reality: once the curtain is drawn, the public will realize that the author has changed the drama with the demonstration of the impossibility to represent it.

    Date and Time:
    Tue., 6th April 2010, 19.15
    Venue: Duanjun Theatre, Shanghai Theatre Academy, 630, Huashan Road, Shanghai.
    时间:2010年4月6日 19:15
    地址:华山路630号,上海戏剧学院 端钧剧场
    Info. / 详情咨询 :
    0086 21 62485600

    Free Admission


    上海:剧场表演—— 路易吉·皮兰德娄代表作品《六个寻找作家的剧中人》

    由意大利驻沪总领事馆文化处策划、意大利Piccolo Teatro di Milano参与组织、Emiliano Bronzino导演指导、中意戏剧演员共同出演的路易吉·皮兰德娄(Luigi Pirandello)代表作品——《六个寻找作家的剧中人》将在组织方——上海戏剧学院的剧场内上演。

    Date and Time:
    Tue., 6th April 2010, 19.15
    Venue: Duanjun Theatre, Shanghai Theatre Academy, 630, Huashan Road, Shanghai.
    时间:2010年4月6日 19:15
    地址:华山路630号,上海戏剧学院 端钧剧场
    Info. / 详情咨询 :
    0086 21 62485600

    Free Admission


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