A seguire, la proiezione del film “La casa dalle finestre che ridono” di Pupi Avati (1976, durata 140’), verrà distribuito un fascicolo con i dialoghi in lingua italiana.
Durante la serata saranno scambiati gli auguri di Buone Feste tra studenti e Professori, con degustazione di Panettone italiano.
Data e Orario: 18 dicembre 2009, ore 17.00
Luogo: Campus Sino-italiano, Room 1803, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai.
Ingresso Libero.
SHANGHAI: Lecture and Italian Movie “The house with laughing windows” at Tongji University.
RispondiEliminaThe IIC Shanghai is glad to announce the Lecture “The latest developments of the Italian sinology”, held by Prof. Giorgio Casacchia, the Cultural Attache’ IIC Shanghai,in cooperation with Isiao, Shanghai branch.
To follow, the screening of the movie “The house with laughing windows” by Pupi Avati (1976, 140’), a booklet with Italian dialogue will be distributed.
During the event Christmas greetings will be exhanged among students and Professors, accompanied with Italian Panettone dessert.
Date and Time:
18th December, 17.00
时间:12月18日 星期五 17:00
Campus Sino-italiano, Room 1803, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai.
Free Admission
讲座之后将播放1976年拍摄的意大利恐怖片“看!这家的窗户在笑”(导演:Pupi Avati,影片时长:140分钟,无字幕,提供意大利文对白册)。
Date and Time:
18th December, 17.00
时间:12月18日 星期五 17:00
Campus Sino-italiano, Room 1803, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai.
Free Admission